
State test scores reviewed — WVEA: Our students are more than a test score.

State test scores reflect classroom disruptions from pandemic

WVEA to State Board: Our students more than a test score.  Educators did a great job!

CHARLESTON – West Virginia’s standardized test scores from last year’s year disrupted by the covid-19 pandemic show progress slipping in every academic area.

During today’s State Board of Education meeting, Superintendent Clayton Burch warned against making direct comparisons to prior years because of all the challenges students faced. State board members, while reviewing the numbers, reached similar conclusions.

“Without a doubt, we know that such factors as participation rates, learning modes and learning disruptions over the past 18 months varied by school and likely affected student performance,” Burch stated in a release from the Department of Education. “Our goal now is to use the results to focus on COVID-19 recovery efforts and address individual student needs.”

WVEA President Dale Lee reminded State Board members reviewing the state assessment scores that “our students are so much more than a single test score. In a year of chaos, our educators did an amazing job. Our students lost opportunities, but those opportunities will be given back to them.  Our educators will make sure of that.”

Lee asked the state board to join the WVEA in focusing on the “whole” student, including the students’ mental and emotional needs, NOT just a test score.

In other remarks, Lee noted there are more than 250 job postings on the WVDE website. “There are reasons for that – the lack of respect being shown to our educators, the low pay and the demands of the job are contributors.” Lee shared his concerns about a teacher shortage, stating “this is just the tip of the iceberg.”

In working toward a productive and successful academic school year, Lee discussed the importance of counties, local health departments AND educators to work together to open schools in the safest possible way. “Our students need consistency this school year, but the safety of our students, our educators and our families must be a top consideration,” he said.

Read More in the Metro News